While other companies sell individual pieces, RJG is the only company that supplies you with comprehensive systems, a processing strategy, in-depth training and constant professional support.
All of RJG's plastic mold care products are built on scientific molding principles and molding from the plastic's point of view. Our goal is for our customers to be the most sought after molders in the industry. RJG has been responsible for many innovations in the plastics industry, including, the first Scientific Molding seminar, the first commercial strain gage cavity pressure sensors, DECOUPLED MOLDINGSM techniques, The Insight System® - the plastic industry's first digital data acquisition platform and RJG 's Master MolderSM and Tryout Shop Certification programs.
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The RJG Advantage
Our business is helping molders supply absolute quality parts to their customers. We do this by providing production and process control systems, cavity pressure sensing technology, and processing training to the injection molding industry. While other companies sell individual pieces, RJG is the only company that supplies you with comprehensive systems, a processing strategy, in-depth training, plastic processor products and constant professional support.